Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Decluttering, A family's tragic battle

AHHH... That is what I want to scream on a daily basis.  Has anyone else come to find that there is not enough time in a day to get everything accomplished that you want? I deal with that fight daily.  I wanted to spend time with my child more and well the house work kind of fell between the cracks.

Once I moved out of my parents house, I  had to learn how to fend for myself.  I became very ocd about my living arrangements being clean.  I would clean the bathroom twice a week, laundry was always done on a timely basis and I had no clutter as I knew how to purge.

Then I got married... I think that sums it up.  As much as I love my husband, he is an out right slob and pack right, and he openly admits it (now that we are married), ahhh men! :)  We have had a daily battle for the last 3 years about cleaning the house and picking up after ourselves.  I feel like I am having a fight with a teenager over and over and over again.

But, I won the battle, not the war.  He agreed to let me purge purge purge in order to make room for baby #2!  Somehow we will be able to make room for the baby in our very modest home.  I think it will be easier once the kids get older and I can ship them upstairs to their rooms including all their toys too (insert evil laugh)  But, thats not for a few years.

So, Day 1...
I haven't accomplished much today, It's been an off day for my daughter and I.  My daughter has become obsessed with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and that is all she wants to do.  I have struggled with letting her watch tv and try to limit it to an hour a day.  With her becoming 2 the struggles of testing and meltdowns have started...  I have yet to give in to her and instead printed off some MMC pictures on line and we colored for most of the day and hung them around the house in her favorite spots.  It kept her occupied for a good portion of the day.  She even wanted to color more pictures when she got up for her napless nap.  Oh yes I said napless, which makes the afternoon go even more slowly.

So once she heads to bed, hoping in another hour (currently eating dinner, finally silence) I can start to attack one room of the house.  I am going to start with the dining room.  Has anyone else found this place to be the clutter drop in the house?  This room is the worst for us.  I feel that if I can clean and declutter this room that I will feel better about the house.  The mounds of junk mail mixed with shoes, jackets etc as this is the front entrance to our house.

Attacking Paper Clutter:
My game plan for the clutter:
   I will sort the paper into 3 piles: Bills, Trash, Read
   I will hang all Jackets and coats in the backroom (small mudroom)
   I will place all items that need to go upstairs in a tote on the staircase, and take upstairs tonight
   I will gather and place neatly all items for my daughters birthday party  in another tote and carry to the 
           guest bedroom
   I will Dust, Sweep, Vacuum & Mop

and tomorrow morning when I come downstairs I will eat a good breakfast at the dining room table.  Oh wish me luck!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

First post :)

I have done it... Finally caved to the world of blogging.  About time I entered in the new century :). I have visited others blogs to snag ideas to recreate, but never really had the interest in creating my own until I started planning my daughters birthday party this year.  I have so many ideas, some I found on Pinterest and others of my own.  It should be a small shindig, which amybe think, who will I show off all my creations to?  Then the idea hit me, I'll post them for the rest of the world to see!

The name of the blog is based on a classic 80s movie, Adventures in babysitting.  I remember watching that movie over and over again with my cousins.  I am discovering more 80s movies recently that my husband can not believe I haven't seen :)

The object of my blog is to showcase projects I have done and lovely children's antics to share so others can relate too.

A little about myself.  I am a thirty one year old mom, currently working part time as a corporate accountant.  I have been married for 3 years to an amazing husband who works very hard and long hours to support his family.  My child is about to turn 2!  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  She loves to color, play with her dolls and is obsessed currently with Mickey Mouse & Elmo.  We are expecting our second child in January, keeping the sex a surprise which has been very difficult, especially with all the ultrasounds I've been having.

With all my spare time I like to read and do crafts. Needless to say I haven't done much of anything lately... As a number of moms out there can relate, being pregnant while running after a toddler wipes all energy from you!  I'll do my best to keep you entertained and to love the ideas that I create, well when times allows :)

Excited to showcase Abigail's 2nd Birthday Party with all of you.  Party in 31 days :) can't wait!

God Bless,